ASSP is the Professional Society representing over 38,000 individual safety, health and environmental (SH&E) practitioners. Membership allows fellow SH&E professionals to work together to advance their professional career and status as a safety professional, improve their company’s safety performance and advance the overall SH&E profession.  We provide tremendous value and a vast array of benefits to meet the needs of SH&E professionals.  The more engaged a member is in any of the benefits and Society programs, the more a member gains from their membership.

The Value of ASSP Membership
ASSP members and prospective members often ask, “What’s in it for me? What do I get through my ASSP membership?” It’s only natural to wonder about the value delivered by your investment in this organization. Let’s take a few minutes to examine the tremendous value each member can receive in terms of education, information, networking and career support.

Increase Your Value by Expanding Your Skills & Knowledge
Continuous learning is vital in our dynamic profession—and it helps you position yourself as a valuable resource to employers and clients. ASSP provides several venues to help SH&E professionals gain new knowledge and develop their skills. The annual industry-leading Professional Development Conference and Exposition (PDC) provides professional presentations, panel discussions, technical tours and expert guidance. It is also one of the best networking opportunities in the SH&E field. Attendees also receive a copy of the conference proceedings–a $750 value itself.

Other continuing education events include SeminarFest, symposia, various seminars and webinars, certificate programs and exam preparation workshops. Through your membership in ASSP, you can save $50 to $120 on each event you attend.

In addition, many of ASSP’s regions host regional conferences and many local chapters host regular meetings with featured speakers. These types of venues offer members economical, convenient ways to further their professional development.

Harness the Power of Information
ASSP is a key source of cutting-edge information SH&E professionals need to help their companies and clients effectively manage SH&E. Our highly respected journal, Professional Safety, is delivered monthly and is also available online for anytime access. Filled with practical guidance, techniques and solutions developed by practitioners, it delivers a value of more than $60/year.

ASSP’s 16 practice specialties serve as clearinghouses for information related to specific areas of practice in the field. These groups publish regular technical publications, sponsor focused programs and networking forums, and provide an outlet for sharing best practices. Any ASSP member can join one or several of these groups for a nominal fee—a cost far exceeded by the value received.

The Society also provides many technical and business publications and standards—many of which are offered for purchase to members at the lowest prices. A great example is the two-volume The Safety Professionals Handbook, the profession’s most comprehensive resource. Members who purchase this best-selling publication save $70—a nearly 30% discount—from the list price.

Our website also provides myriad resources—from the latest industry news and government affairs updates to sample articles from Professional Safety and the practice specialty technical publications—all at no additional cost. Adding to this is the exclusive member’s only section, where ASSP members have free access to industry best practices, topic-oriented forums, the Professional Safety article and issue archive, and, new this year, downloadable versions of the Safety 2008 proceedings papers.

The website also features our online career center, which gives you insight on the current job market, provides career resources, and offers information on career strategies and the value of certification.

Expand Your Professional Network
With nearly 38,000 members in one of 151 chapters in 74 countries, ASSP members can interact and collaborate with an expansive network of SH&E professionals with similar interests and concerns. Our growing practice specialty area also provides a tremendous venue for idea and information exchange. ASSP’s many continuing education and professional development events, and region/chapter meetings provide additional opportunities to interact with SH&E colleagues.

Build Your Management Skills
Volunteering at the chapter, region and national level offers ASSP members the chance to learn, develop and practice leadership skills. Serving as a volunteer member of a committee, task force or board is a great way to practice leading by influence, to understand how to accomplish goals with limited resources, and to learn how to motivate and lead teams. All of these skills translate well to today’s workplace.

Keep Your Profession Strong
Active members are crucial to ASSP’s efforts to be a global champion of the SH&E professional and a global leader of the profession. Through your input and expertise, ASSP is able to speak authoritatively to key stakeholders, legislators, policy makers and corporate leaders. Your membership in ASSP demonstrates your belief that a strong SH&E profession is vital in the global marketplace.

Advance Your Career
All of these benefits serve one ultimate goal—advancing your career as an SH&E professional. By using the many resources available to ASSP members—from continuing education and publications to information access and skill development—you will continue to increase your value to your employers and clients. Doing so can add $5,000 to $15,000 or more to your annual salary.

ASSP Member Value Summary
In summary, the answer to the question “What’s in it for me? What do I get through ASSP membership?” is a simple one. Membership provides the Society with resources for the development of materials and information to meet the needs of the members. In turn, members receive an extensive offering of cutting-edge education, technical information, networking and career support opportunities at a member discount that provide benefits that far exceed the price of dues.